- Imported from dc:creator (dc)
- Equivalent URI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator
Pages using the property "Dc:creator"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
E | |
Exlibris-gc395-el395a-a6 + | [[Wikipedia:D.Fleming|D.Fleming]] (unknown) +, none + |
Exlibris-gc395-el395b-b2 + | [[Wikipedia:Günther Schwenn |Günther Schwenn]] (1903-1991) +, none + |
Exlibris-gc395-el395b-b3 + | [[Wikipedia:Manos Hatzidakis|Manos Hatzidakis]] (1925-1994) +, Fini Büsch + |
Exlibris-gc395-el395b-b4 + | Traditional music (public domain) + |
Exlibris-gc395-el395b-b5 + | Joseph Kapeau Ae`a (19th century) +, none + |
Exlibris-gc395-el395b-b6 + | [[Wikipedia:David Bee|David Bee]] (1903-1992) (real name: Ernest Jean Craps (1903-1992)) +, none + |
F | |
Firestone-fr77a-w163 + | Joseph J. Lilley (1913-1971) +, Frank Loesser (1910-1969) + |
Folkways records-fe4433a-01 + | Maori people + |
G | |
Gloria-go13209a-bi1783 + | unknown + |
Gloria-go13209b-bi1761 + | unknown + |
Gloria-go13319a-bi666 + | Georg Neumark (1621-1681) +, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) + |
Gloria-go27054a-bi2230 + | Fredy Sieg + |
Gloria-go27054b-bi2231 + | Fredy Sieg + |
Gloria-go28196-g3549 + | Martha Mumenthaler + |
Gloria-go28196-g3551 + | Martha Mumenthaler + |
Gramophone-03204-a6706 + | [[:en:Landon Ronald|Landon Ronald]] (1873-1938) +, [[:en:Edward Teschemacher|Edward Teschemacher]] (c1875-1940) + |
Gramophone-033099-01800v + | [[Wikipedia:Aimé Maillart|Aimé Maillart]] (1817-1871) +, [[Wikipedia:Lockroy|Lockroy]] (1803-1891) and [[Wikipedia:Eugène Cormon|Eugène Cormon]] (1810-1903) based on the novel [[Wikipedia:La Petite Fadette|La Petite Fadette]] (1849) by [[Wikipedia:George Sand|George Sand]] (1804-1876) + |
Gramophone-050528-1374c + | [[Wikipedia:Richard Wagner|Richard Wagner]] (1813-1883) +, Richard Wagner (1813-1883) + |
Gramophone-13458-942726 + | [[:en:Heinrich Geehl|Heinrich Dorgeel]] (real name: Heinrich Geehl) (19th century) + |
Gramophone-13458-942727 + | [[:en:Max Filke|Max Filke]] (1855-1911) +, [[:en:Carl Schultes|Carl Schultes]] (1822-1904) + |
Gramophone-14678-b45141 + | [[:en:Friedrich Silcher|Friedrich Silcher]] (1789-1860) +, [[:en:Albert von Schlippenbach|Albert von Schlippenbach]] (1800-1886) + |
Gramophone-14678-b45142 + | [[:en:Simon Breu|Simon Breu]] (1858-1933) +, [[:en:Franz Alfred Muth|Franz Alfred Muth]] (1839-1890) + |
Gramophone-21472-b46783 + | Otto Reutter + |
Gramophone-21472-b46784 + | Otto Reutter + |
Gramophone-30227-424f + | Léon Conor († 1911) +, none + |