List of Edison artists

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The List of Edison artists contains a selection of artists who were under contract by Thomas Alva Edison.

Artists and record numbers



  • Aaronson's (Irving) Crusaders: 51685
  • Abrams (Irwin) and His Knickerbocker Grill Orchestra: 51625, 51633
  • Abrams (Irwin) with His Orchestra: 52106, 52107, 52114, 52148
  • Accordian King, siehe Frank Lucas
  • Aino Ackte: 83014
  • Crawford Adams: 51986
  • Aida Brass Quartet: 80790, 80798
  • Aladar Sio (A Slovenska Orkestra): 65025, 65026
  • Theo Alban: 52100, 52102, 52115, 52116, 52124, 52132, 52138, 52176, 52202, 52203, 52256, 52305, 52365, 52376, 52466, 52560
  • Albin's (Jack) Orchestra: 51811, 51829, 51831, 51851, 51852
  • Claudia Albright: 58022, 60023
  • Merle Alcock: 80167, 80297, 80325, 80341, 80370, 80783, 82065, 82141, 82199, 82559
  • Merle Alcock, Enrico Baroni, Alice Verlet, Guido Ciccolini, Arthur Middleton and Henry Scott: 82266
  • Merle Alcock, Guido Ciccolini, Arthur Middleton and Alice Verlet: 84001
  • Alessios Mandolin Quartet: 50360, 51447
  • Alessios-De Felippis Mandolin Orchestra: 51447, 80352
  • All Star Trio: 50477, 50496, 50521, 50523, 50527, 50541, 50590, 50593, 50600, 50619, 50628, 50643, 50645, 50648
  • Edward Allen: 50467, 50475, 50594, 50762, 80360, 80394, 80415, 80445, 80454, 80467, 80667, 80866, 80869
  • Edward Allen and Charles Hart: 80394
  • Aloha Hawaiian Orchestra: 51839
  • Aloha-Land Serenaders: 52003, 52320, 52449
  • Alpine Mountaineers siehe Pols and Franchini
  • Alpine Serenaders and Frank Kamplain: 52409
  • Paul Althouse: 82074, 82096, 82306
  • American Brass Quartet: 50290
  • American Concert Orchestra: 10001, 10003, 10005, 52360, 80770, 80775, 80781, 80791, 80803, 80805, 80819, 80833, 80836, 80837, 80838, 80847, 80853, 80867, 80895
  • American Singers: 52179, 52512, 52615, 52636
  • American Standard Orchestra: 50209, 50219
  • American String Quintet: 80091
  • American Symphony Orchestra: 30002, 30004, 50052, 50053, 50058, 50059, 50065, 50078, 50084, 50086, 50089, 50091, 50092, 50093, 50099, 50102, 50106, 50110, 50111, 50113, 50117, 50118, 50126, 50127, 50130, 50131, 50132, 50161, 50165, 50171, 50379, 80048, 80049, 80062, 80063, 80068, 80073, 80075, 80091, 80094, 80096, 80097, 80142, 80143, 80178, 80203, 80242, 80245, 80284, 80299, 80342, 80353, 80356, 80390, 80396, 80438, 80451, 80486, 80498, 80502, 80505, 80515, 80518, 80575, 80587, 80594, 80602, 80610, 80628, 80633, 80638, 80642, 80678, 80710, 80730, 80740, 80745, 80749, 80753, 80756
  • Ernie Anderson: 51833
  • Giuseppe Anselmi: 83004, 83007, 83008, 83015, 83018, 83025
  • Harry Anthony and Charles Harrison: 50008, 50018, 50021, 50022, 80022, 80058
  • Harry Anthony and Agnes Kimball: 80002, 82001, 82002, 82501, 82516
  • Harry Anthony and Elizabeth Spencer: 80056
  • Adolfo Antunano: 60044
  • Apollo Quartet of Boston: 80416, 80504, 80520, 80528, 80621, 80737
  • Vernon D. Archibald: 50103, 50114, 52308, 80109, 80147, 80191, 80196, 80231, 80699
  • Vernon D. Archibald and Helen Clark: 50943, 80134, 80137, 80138, 80145, 80148, 80155, 80162, 80163, 80165, 80166
  • Vernon D. Archibald and Royal Fish: 80174
  • Vernon D. Archibald and Charles Harrison: 52235, 52554
  • Vernon D. Archibald and Redferne Hollinshead: 52308
  • Vernon D. Archibald and Lewis James: 80500, 80521, 80522
  • Vernon D. Archibald and Marie Kaiser: 80124, 82044
  • Vernon D. Archibald and Betsy Lane Shepherd: 50873
  • Vernon D. Archibald and Elizabeth Spencer: 80010, 80109, 80125, 80133, 80166
  • Vernon D. Archibald, Donald Chalmers and Royal Fish: 80157
  • Vernon D. Archibald, Charles Hart and Elizabeth Spencer: 80643
  • Vernon D. Archibald, Elizabeth Spencer and John Young: 80643
  • Cecil Arden: 80565, 80566
  • Arden, Cecil and Isidore Moskowitz: 80572
  • Marcelino Arean: 60002
  • Arean, Marcelino, Consuelo Novoa and Adolfo Colombo: 60002, 60005, 60006, 60009, 60010, 60011, 60014, 60015
  • Arion Male Chorus: 52433, 57031, 57032
  • Arion Quartet: 57022
  • Aristocrats: 51539, 51759
  • Arkansas Trio (Dalhart, Smalle and Calli): 51373
  • Arrowhead Inn Orchestra siehe Veo (Harold) and His Arrowhead Inn Orchestra
  • Sam Ash: 50721
  • P.A. Asselin: 74001, 74002, 74003, 74004, 74005
  • Atlantic Dance Orchestra: 50973, 50988, 51008, 51013, 51016, 51017, 51018, 51053, 51074, 51075, 51077, 51094, 51102, 51136, 51137, 51138, 51141, 51150, 51152, 51153, 51156, 51164, 51168, 51171, 51182, 51190, 51205, 51229, 51238, 51252, 51298, 51304, 51305, 51325, 51327, 51337, 51338, 51362, 51366, 51372, 51379, 51386, 51387
  • Gene Austin: 51611
  • Gene Austin and George Reneau siehe Blue Ridge Duo
  • Van Avery: 50234
  • Luz Amelia Aviles: 60018, 60019, 60021
  • Luz Amelia Aviles and Emelia Vergeri: 76005
  • Luz Amelia Aviles and Carlos Villarias: 60020, 76004, 76006



  • C-sharp minor on the Wurlitzer Organ: 52064
  • Samuel Parkes Cadman and The Metropolitan Quartet: 80834
  • William Cahill: 50719, 50976, 51071
  • California Entertainers: 51281
  • California Ramblers: 52602, 52610, 52622, 52629, 52638
  • California Sunshine Girl siehe "Cookie" The California Sunshine Girl
  • Calli siehe Arkansas Trio
  • Ermine Calloway: 52495, 52519, 52567, 52570, 52617
  • Calvary Choir: 50405, 51868, 52308, 80399, 80504, 80517, 80601, 80623
  • Calvary Choir and Albert Lindquist: 80513
  • Calvary Choir and William H. Morgan: 80471, 80511
  • Calvary Choir and Saint Andrew's Choir Boys: 10007, 80452
  • Calvary Choir and Hardy Williamson: 80588
  • Calvary Choir, Charles Hart and Elliot Shaw: 80529
  • Stellario Cambria: 50884
  • Al Campbell and Jack Kaufman: 51832, 51884, 51953, 52040
  • Campus Cut-Ups: 52591, 52616, 52649
  • Joe Candullo and His Everglades Orchestra: 51826, 51836, 51848, 51852, 51912
  • Pietro Capodiferro: 50448, 80410
  • Pietro Capodiferro and Weyert Moor: 80516
  • Carol Singers: 50302, 50303, 50334, 50380, 50447, 80338, 80441
  • Ernesto Caronna: 60024, 60025, 60026
  • Carroll's (Earl) Vanities Orchestra siehe Don Voorhees and His Earl Carroll's Vanities Orchestra (Donald Voorhees (1903-1989) and Earl Carroll (1893-1948))
  • Mary Carson: 50951, 80061, 80188, 80189, 80217, 80270, 80275, 80289, 82052, 82054, 82056
  • Carson, Mary and George Wilton Ballard: 80289
  • Carson, Mary and Emory B. Randolph: 80132, 80154
  • Anna Case: 30005, 80119, 80120, 80180, 80757, 80872, 82073, 82076, 82077, 82078, 82081, 82088, 82091, 82099, 82110, 82136, 82209, 82231 82237, 82249, 82256, 82262, 82271, 82283, 82295, 82298, 82301, 82302, 82315, 82319, 82328, 82329, 82337, 82338, 82341, 82345, 82559, 83059, 83064, 83071, 83073, 83077, 83078, 83080, 83084, 83085, 83086, 83087
  • Anna Case and Criterion Quartet: 82191, 83078, 83085
  • Anna Case and Ralph Errole: 80758, 82283, 82560
  • Anna Case and Lyric Male Quartet: 82196, 82207, 82237
  • Pietro Caso and Anthony Giammatteo: 80576, 80589
  • Carlos Castro: 76007, 76008, 76009, 76010, 76011, 76012
  • Carlos Castro and Consuelo Escobar de Castro: 76013
  • Marie Caveny and Samuel Siegel: 50548
  • Cello (Paulo Gruppe): 80001, 80008
  • Celine Chais-Bonheur: 80763
  • Donald Chalmers: 51711, 80174, 80483, 80686, 80804
  • Donald Chalmers and Harvey Wilson: 50043
  • Donald Chalmers and Harvey Hindermyer: 80002, 80804
  • Donald Chalmers, Royal Fish and Vernon D. Archibald: 80157
  • Thomas Chalmers: 50002, 50003, 50004, 50008, 50012, 50020, 50026, 50027, 50031, 50034, 50036, 50038, 50057, 50067, 50069, 50721, 80003, 80004, 80005, 80015, 80018, 80025, 80027, 80029, 80030, 80032, 80047, 80055, 80064, 80074, 80114, 80117, 80127, 80148, 80155, 80172, 80173, 80184, 80202, 80217, 80235, 80270, 80274, 80297, 80321, 80414, 80464, 80506, 80512, 80513, 80520, 80522, 80530, 80547, 80549, 80574, 80599, 80603, 80611, 80620, 80643, 80677, 80698, 80705, 80711, 80729, 80731, 80744, 80752, 80776, 82001, 82002, 82010, 82020, 82031, 82040, 82055, 82060, 82333, 82340, 82553, 83072
  • Thomas Chalmers and Guido Ciccolini: 82304, 83038
  • Thomas Chalmers and Agnes Kimball: 80043, 80067
  • Thomas Chalmers and Elizabeth Spencer: 80010, 80023, 80029, 80276, 82014, 82041, 82510
  • Thomas Chalmers, Enrico Baroni, Margaret Matzenauer, Arthur Middleton, Marie Rappold and Giovanni Zenatello: 82266
  • Champion Fiddler of Tennessee siehe Allen Sisson
  • Champion Old Time Fiddler siehe John Baltzel
  • Anna Chandler: 51180, 51193, 51242
  • Rev. John Wilbur Chapman: 80192
  • Walter Chapman: 50957, 80702
  • Charleston Seven: 51446
  • Cherniavsky Trio: 80428, 80429
  • Signor Lou "Friscoe" Chiha: 50342, 50353, 50464, 50515, 50550, 50585, 50669, 50872, 50890, 51401, 51733, 51809
  • Chorus of Male Voices: 80385
  • Christian Science Lesson Sermons: 80364, 80367, 80646, 80647, 80648, 80668, 80669, 80670, 80671, 80672, 80673, 80674, 80675, 80676
  • Guido Ciccolini: 82118, 82119, 82131, 82156, 82167, 82183, 82200, 82210, 82220, 82253, 82304, 82552, 82556, 82570, 83068, 83074
  • Guido Ciccolini and Thomas Chalmers: 82304, 83038
  • Guido Ciccolini and Julia Heinrich: 82541
  • Guido Ciccolini and Arthur Middleton: 82203, 83069
  • Guido Ciccolini and Alice Verlet: 82537
  • Guido Ciccolini, Merle Alcock, Arthur Middleton, Alice Verlet: 84001
  • Guido Ciccolini, Merle Alcock, Enrico Baroni, Arthur Middleton, Henri Scott, Alice Verlet: 82266
  • Edward Clark: 50924
  • Elsie Clark: 51257, 51628
  • Helen Clark: 50390, 50419, 50540, 50602, 50640, 50661, 50681, 50682, 50690, 50796, 50801, 50811, 50894, 50926, 51068, 51099, 51785, 52627, 80077, 80182, 80206, 80208, 80224, 80226, 80232, 80283, 80295, 80301, 80303, 80328, 80331, 80337, 80426, 80434, 80632, 80747, 80809, 80845
  • Helen Clark and Vernon D. Archibald: 50943, 80134, 80137, 80138, 80145, 80148, 80155, 80162, 80163, 80165, 80166
  • Helen Clark and George Wilton Ballard: 50534, 50568, 50577, 50578, 50699
  • Helen Clark and Vernon Dalhart: 51099
  • Helen Clark and Charles Harrison: 51779, 52182
  • Helen Clark and Charles Hart: 50539, 51330, 51349, 51376, 51402, 51426, 51495, 51659
  • Helen Clark and Harvey Hindermeyer: 80870
  • Helen Clark and Lewis James: 51296
  • Helen Clark and Billy Murray: 80187
  • Helen Clark and Joseph Phillips: 50247, 50370, 50390, 50592, 50606, 50611, 50646, 50664, 50680, 50682, 50752, 50903, 50926, 50948, 51000, 51110, 51296, 51451, 51499, 51540, 80213, 80218, 80219, 80244, 80248, 80279, 80308, 80690, 80738
  • Helen Clark and Emory B. Randolph: 80151, 80167
  • Helen Clark and Gladys Rice: 80382
  • Helen Clark and Roy Roberts: 10007, 51114, 80782
  • Helen Clark and Johnny Ryan: 51984
  • Helen Clark and Walter Scanlan: 50979, 51044, 51101, 51818, 52539
  • Helen Clark and Shannon Quartet: 80386
  • Helen Clark and Betsy Lane Shepherd: 80338, 80500
  • Helen Clark and Walter Van Brunt: 50678, 80185, 80212, 80269, 80411
  • Helen Clark and Frederick Wheeler: 80246
  • Helen Clark and Harvey Wilson: 80256
  • Helen Clark, Marion Cox and Gladys Rice: 80383
  • Robert E. Clark: 80389, 80601, 80688
  • Van Buren Clark: 51958
  • Arthur C. Clough: 50927, 80215
  • Clover Garden Orchestra see Polla's Clover Garden Orchestra
  • Club De Vingt Orchestra: 50803, 50828, 50835, 50847, 50850, 50867, 50875, 50892, 50909, 50913, 50920, 50932, 50972
  • Lew Cobey see Record Boys
  • Ellen Coleman: 51200, 51242
  • College Four: 51731
  • Lucille Collette: 80570
  • Beatrice Flint Collin: 80247, 80252
  • Arthur Collins: 50001, 50011, 50017, 50027, 50032, 50063, 50100, 50168, 50233, 50520, 51392
  • Arthur Collins and Byron G. Harlan: 50001, 50007, 50010, 50027, 50045, 50063, 50082, 50100, 50105, 50140, 50168, 50192, 50193, 50216, 50233, 50236, 50248, 50251, 50262, 50306, 50337, 50348, 50350, 50372, 50374, 50395, 50402, 50408, 50423, 50493, 50563, 50564, 50565, 50627, 50940, 50978, 50992, 51021, 51040, 51059, 51063, 51082, 51392, 51423
  • Pop Collins (Old Timber) and His Boys: 52426, 52507
  • Sally Collins: 51207
  • Adolfo Colombo: 60001
  • Adolfo Colombo and Consuelo Novoa: 60001, 60003, 60004, 60005, 60006, 60007, 60008, 60011, 60012, 60013, 60014, 60015
  • Adolfo Colombo; Marcelino Arean and Consuelo Novoa: 60002, 60005, 60006, 60009, 60010, 60011, 60014, 60015
  • Zez Confrey: 50898
  • Congo Four: 51393, 51405
  • Conrad's Orchestra: 50826, 50833
  • Conway's Band: 50557, 50582, 50588, 50614, 50642, 50652, 50693, 50706, 50712, 50718, 50732, 50744, 50748, 50766, 50879
  • Phil Cook (The Radio Chef): 51945, 52208, 52247
  • Phil Cook (The Radio Chef) and His Fryin' Pan: 51945, 51998
  • 'Cookie', The California Sunshine Girl: 51933, 51934
  • Leeta Corder: 80540, 80541, 80564
  • Comhuskers: 52509
  • Frank Cornwell: 51685
  • Frank Cornwell and His Orchestra: 52166
  • Frank Cornwell see also Aaronson's (Irving) Crusaders (Frank Cornwell, Director)
  • Ernst Albert Couturier: 50174, 50998, 51030, 80307
  • Cowboy Baritone see Frank Braidwood
  • Eugene Cowles: 80686
  • Marion Evelyn Cox: 50445, 50610, 80545, 80546
  • Marion Evelyn Cox and Vernon Dalhart: 80379
  • Marion Evelyn Cox and Harvey Hindermyer: 50629
  • Marion Evelyn Cox and Gladys Rice: 50947, 80413, 80465
  • Marion Evelyn Cox and Betsy Lane Shepherd: 80465
  • Marion Evelyn Cox and John Young: 50949, 80388
  • Marion Evelyn Cox, Helen Clark and Gladys Rice: 80383
  • Marion Evelyn Cox, George Wilton Bailard, Gladys Rice and Harvey Wilson: 80354
  • Frank Craft and his Strand Dance Orchestra: 51122
  • Mel Craig's Orchestra: 51528
  • Arthur Crane: 50202, 80231
  • Willie Creager's Dance Orchestra: 51225, 51230
  • Creatore and his band: 50557, 50668, 50861, 50922, 50945, 50995, 51009, 51504, 80324, 80372, 80430, 80442
  • Crescent Trio: 50664, 50698, 50773, 50786, 50831, 50849, 50855, 50902, 50935
  • Criterion Male Quartet: 52254
  • Criterion Quartet: 50817, 50915, 51123, 51158, 51174, 51295, 80323, 80358, 80483, 80514, 80519, 80635, 80651, 80719, 80728, 80742, 80748, 80788, 80802
  • Criterion Quartet and Anna Case: 82191, 83078, 83085
  • Criterion Quartet and Frieda Hempel: 82550, 82551
  • Criterion Quartet and Marie Rappold: 82553
  • Criterion Quartet and Elizabeth Spencer: 80754
  • Croonaders with Van Buren Clark: 51958
  • Roy Crooper: 50840
  • Frank Croxton: 80028, 80072, 82015
  • Frank Crum and his orchestra: 51474
  • Juan de la Cruz and Bienvenudo Leon: 60032, 60033, 60034, 60035, 60036, 60052, 60053
  • Crystal Entertainers: 52031
  • Richard Czerwonky: 80207, 80261, 80267, 80272


  • Adrian da Silva: 52286
  • Charles Daab: 50003, 50004, 50011, 50013, 50018, 50019, 50021, 50028, 50029, 50030, 50032, 50039, 50051, 50072, 50332, 80015, 82004 (s)
  • Vernon Dalhart: 50444, 50456, 50457, 50473, 50529, 50562, 50590, 50592, 50595, 50612, 50691, 50768, 50775, 50848, 50902, 50905, 50919, 50939, 50985, 51099, 51144, 51263, 51272, 51233, 51351, 51356, 51361, 51385, 51408, 51430, 51439, 51459, 51471, 51486, 51492, 51509, 51520, 51531, 51541, 51551, 51557, 51562, 51571, 51584, 51597,51598, 51603, 51605, 51607, 51608, 51609, 51610, 51611, 51620, 51621, 51637, 51643, 51650, 51656, 51666, 51669, 51670, 51693, 51718, 51729, 51735, 51749, 51827, 51856, 51883, 51901, 51949, 51974, 52020, 52029, 52077, 52088, 52095, 52118, 52144, 52174, 52229, 52248, 52307, 52335, 52434, 52457, 52472, 52487, 52533, 52558, 52566, 52599, 52628, 80334, 80348, 80354, 80357, 80360, 80384, 80406, 80446, 80459, 80482, 80597, 80632
  • Vernon Dalhart and Al Bernard: 50868
  • Vernon Dalhart and Marion Evelyn Cox: 80379
























  • Unused catalogue numbers: 50047, 50048, 50049, 50050, 80059, 80060, 82011, 82027, 82028, 82029, 82030
  • Test records: 50401, 50562, 50563, 50564, 50565, 77001, 80261, 80267, 80361, 80362, 80363, 80364, 80366, 80367, 80368, 80374, 80375, 80376, 80377, 80393, 80403, 80404, 80405, 80407, 80475, 80481, 80490, 80491, 80492, 80497, 80509, 80584, 80585, 80636, 80654, 80655, 80656, 80657, 80658, 80659, 80660, 80661, 80662, 80663, 80664, 80665, 80666, 80708?, 80709?, 80714, 80715, 82111, 82112, 82116, 82123, 82128, 82131, 82141, 82142, 82181, 83975
  • Special pressings for Australia: 80708, 80709 (siehe Stella Power)


  • Raymond R. Wile: Edison Disc Artists & Records (1910-1929), 2nd Edition, Limited edition (No. 135), hrsg. APM Press, Brooklyn, NY, 1990